The Great North American Tour


The next stop was Reno to see Tom, Adrienne, the bunnies and Tyler. One big happy family! It was a flashback to the time during Covid when I lived there for nearly half a year while refreshing my Spain paperwork. 

One of the highlights was a ride-along with Tom on the Ambulance. We had an exhilarating day; one call after another. Tom and his quirky parter, Chris, handled everything thrown at them with professionalism and calm. It was impressive to watch. The calls can be a bit chaotic; each one requires quick decisions and communication between multiple parties; patients, spectators, police, fireman, nurses, doctors. Most of the patients had existing health problems and lived in really crowded and dirty conditions – it was sad to see and made me grateful for what I have. I can see why Tom enjoys it: it’s exciting, requires problem solving and each day is different. Lots of driving and movement. Tom really shined in dealing with a patient who struggles with alcoholism – he developed rapport with her and encouraged her to seek treatment for her drinking. Maybe it will be the turning point for her. Tom said I was the best mustache-wearing ride along partner he’s ever had. 🥸

We went ice-skating at the new Reno rink. Tom showed off his ice-hockey skills and Steph gracefully displayed her figure skating skills. It was a stark contrast to me leaving her in the dust during bike rides and hikes – this time she easily did laps around me while I clumsily tried not to injure myself. 
While lacking in figure skating skill, I would surely receive a 10 out of 10 for my stylish outfit, right?
No visit to Reno would be complete without showing off Tahoe to our Canadian visitor. It was a beautiful, blue day on the lake; plenty of time for rock exploring, floatie floating and swimming. 


We hitched a ride with Tom and Tyler up to Eugene to visit my old friends, Jon and Jocelyn. It was a beautiful ride from Reno to Eugene – we took back roads through isolated forests and open spaces. It beats highway 5 any day! The hours flew by as Tom, Tyler and I discussed ridiculous theoretical ideas and scenarios while Steph slept in the back. 

Eugene was a wonderful experience; catching up with friends, eating delicious food, playing volleyball and hanging out. Tom and Tyler ended up joining for most of us: a fun addition to the touring band. 

We got a nice glimpse into kidless life; volleyball leagues, book-writing projects, camping plans, hippie forest festival community, one month in Mexico, buying second summer homes, elaborate and delicious cooking from scratch. Yes, you can do those things with kids – but it’s a lot harder – and nearly impossible to do ALL those things. 

It was neat to see the community Jocelyn and Jon have built up over the years. They live in a unique housing development that shares a community garden and often has block parties. They know everyone on their block! Eugene is quite walkable, bikeable and feels like a small town – even though it’s really a small city. The weather was perfect as well. I definitely see the appeal of living there. The one downside is the grey, overcast weather in the winter – it can be depressing from what I’ve been told. 


The whirlwind tour continued to Portland for a stint at Murray and Jamie’s house with their two adorable little rugrats. We felt like instant members of the family and right at home. The boys are full of energy, adorable, hilarious and cute. Murray and Jamie have action-packed lives, their routine revolves around their kids and their activities, yet somehow they remain calm through the chaos and get it all done with a smile on their face. It was enlightening to be a fly on the wall for what it takes to raise 2 boys. They were both up before 7AM every day to get the boys up, fed, clothed and rushed off to school. It’s a constant battle to feed, clothe, entertain, clean up after and shuttle around the kids. Despite all that, I can see why they do it – the smiles on their faces, their giggles, the unbridled joy and enthusiasm – that makes it all worthwhile.

Murray and I had some quality time, going through a walk down memory lane in the Alberta Arts district while Steph was in heaven at Portland’s largest pottery supply store.

Another day, we took a sunny uban walk to Mount Tabor with Murray and Jamie – so neat that they have nature close by.

Saturday night was a delicious vegan dinner at a local restaurant followed up with a 90’s dance party at a mythical Portland bar. It did not disappoint.

The last day was a great chance to catch up with Adam, Traci and little Hank in their comfy house.

Urban hike.
Proud to be visiting AMURICA’!
Photo-bomb by James!
90’s dance party. Nostalgia overload. I’ve never seen so many late 30’s/early 40’s people dancing so hard!
Her worst nightmare – she’s become a flag-saluting American!
Cool street mural in Portland.
Kids table.
Lovely company and tacos at Adam and Traci’s to top off the long weekend.


The final stop of the U.S. leg of the tour was Seattle, for a quick visit to Therese, Brock and kids. The last time I was there, it was around 2014 – I was going through a life transition; not sure if I wanted to stay at my current job, find a new one, or move to a foreign country. I had originally planned to do a bike ride down the coast, from Seattle to San Francisco, but due to a hip injury I had to improvise. I ended up renting a former police car and going camping around the San Juan Islands and Olympic peninsula. It was a special trip and fun to bounce ideas off of Therese and Brock. This time, my life is a bit more stable, yet still going through transitions – and just like always, it was wonderful to catch each other up on our lives.

We ended up spending the first day just hanging out at home, visiting and having a nice, mellow day. It sure beat doing tourist activities and trying to see all of Seattle – we were exhausted by that point!

The next day we spent a day on the Lake at cousin Dennis’ house. Nothing beats lake vibes in the sun! It was fun to reconnect with relatives that we don’t often see – and now that although time passes, we’re reminded that we’ll always be welcome in each others homes.

Watching the slideshow of photos I took from the Big Sky 2015 family gathering. It’s always nice to bring photos to life, reminisce about the old times, and not allow them to just get lost in the electronic void forever.
Final handoff at the Seattle bus depot. We took a bus from Seattle to Vancouver. It was surprisingly nice, efficient and affordable. Crossing the border was a breeze; everyone had to disembark with their luggage and enter immigration – but no issues or questions as we entered. Goodbye USA, hello Canada!